I often pick a leaflet up from the dentist about Temporomandibular dysfunction. The joint between your upper and lower jaw, just in front of your ears is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) . A fibrous disc separates the upper and lower bone surfaces occasionally causing problems. The symptoms include toothache, headaches and migraines to name but a few. This often leaves a tension in the jaw and an association with neck stiffness. It is an area I do a lot of sports massage on and people have found huge relief from.image


I will never forget a client having been to the dentist twice with toothache before asking me if I could do anything. After releasing her TMJ she was amazed that what felt so internal could be treated externally.


From grinding teeth to clenching your jaw and jutting your neck out sitting at the computer, tension is held in this area. What amazes me is in the recommendations to treat this there is no mention of soft tissue release for symptoms such as headaches and migraines. This can make the utmost difference and create a huge change in just one or two sessions.