I keep hearing the same message about listening to your body. It seems to be everywhere. I’ve been very aware about living with how I FEEL for some time now. That mind body and soul connection is especially important for me when massaging in order to balance energy for myself and others.

A yoga teacher said in class the other day that we may be listening to our bodies but what are we then doing about it?!

So what are these messages telling us?

‘Listen to your body, it’s always communicating with you’.

‘Your body is always talking to you. You just have to stop and listen’.


We get a lot of mixed messages when it comes to listening to our bodies:

– First, do we ignore the pain or push past it?

– Secondly, what does “listen to your body” mean? If we actually listened to our bodies, would we ever willingly participate in activities that make us tired, sweaty, and sore in the first place?

Sometimes the opportunity to rest, eat healthily, or ditch caffeine instead of going to sleep a little earlier passes us by. A key part of being a bodyworker is to hear what people aren’t necessarily telling you, but their body is. That may be through the tissue but also how they are responding to what they are doing when feeling pain.

But resolving to pay extra close attention to our bodies’ signals could be the difference between taking a few days off to tend to an ache or a cold and losing weeks or months to an injury or sickness you can’t seem to shake.

‘Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live’. Jim Rohan